Or do you want to carry out e -commerce activities? of the reform of e -commerce VAT reforms implemented from July 1, 2021. But you don't know what changes have happened? Explore the changes in the value -added tax of e -commerce and explore the changes in e -commerce value -added tax! What is the reason for the reason for the EU to implement this reform? Who is affected by these new rules?
What impact these new development will have on your e -commerce? The following is Italy Phone Numbers 35 Million List the answer to your question. Article summary why the EU changes e -commerce value -added tax rules? Who affects online business VAT reforms? VAT and e -commerce: What changes have been changed since July 1, 2021? What are the benefits of these changes? Why does the EU change the regulations for value -added taxation of e -commerce?
Nearly 30 years after the previous update, the European Union has changed the value -added tax rules for e -commerce. The main reasons for the implementation of this reform are the following three: strengthening the combination of value -added tax fraud behavior to promote remote sales in the community (sales between EU member states) to establish the conditions for the fair competition between EU electronics retailers and electronic retailers outside the European Union. :