Instant Checkmate Instant that lets you instantly search public records. They have four search themes you can use: People Search Reverse Phone Lookup Criminal Records Inmate Search But for our purposes I want to focus on the first one—People Search. Instant Checkmate People Search According to their website, “Some of the information that you can find with Instant Checkmate includes addresses, criminal and traffic records, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, social media accounts, and much more.” So you can use it not just to perform background checks on the influencers (who reside in the US) you want to connect with, but also to find their contact information if they aren’t posted on their social media accounts or website.
Important: Make sure to add your influencers to a spreadsheet for easier tracking. Craft your pitch Before you reach out to your influencer list, make sure you craft your pitch. Write down their deliverables and project timeframe, and ask for their rate card CY Lists so you can confirm with your budget. Don’t forget to personalize your messages. Mention something that you liked about their content, and explain how it would fit with your brand. Be friendly and genuine, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Here’s a sample pitch you can edit: Hello, <INFLUENCER>! This is <YOUR NAME> from <COMPANY>, the <POSITION> for this project.

I’m happy to report that <COMPANY> wants to collaborate with you as one of their influencers for <PROJECT>. We have checked your profile and we’re genuinely interested in working with you. Here are the deliverables: <PROJECT>: <DELIVERABLE> Timeline: <INSERT TIMELINE> As for a sample execution, kindly refer to the attached brief. Kindly submit your rate card so we can make our offer. Once we’ve confirmed our partnership, we will send another email asking for your details so we can send the free premium items that will be featured in the deliverables. Feel free to reach out to me through this email or via <CONTACT DETAILS> if you have any questions.