Therefore, it is better to check the settings of the plugins. Important points in fixing the problem of not inserting the text field in the warning mainEntity.acceptedAnswer search console In the end , we can say about some important points that you should know about the problem of missing field "text" (in "mainEntity.acceptedAnswer") in the search console and how to fix it : The period of time you should wait to fix this warning after selecting the Validate Fix option is 1-2 weeks. "text" (in "mainEntity.acceptedAnswer") in search console has been displayed in the past as an email and with another form. Now this warning can be seen in the related problems section of Search Console FAQ. You can use keywords in it to comply and further optimize your structured data SEO, especially FAQ. Also, by providing frequently asked questions, increase the chances of these FAQs appearing on the SERP page.
Score 0 out of 5 - 0 votes What is the problem of Missing field "name" (in "mainEntity") in search India Part Time Job Seekers Phone Number List console and how to fix it ? This problem, known as a warning or non-critical problem, indicates that the Name field in the mainEntity properties of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) structured data is not included. In the rest of this article, stay with us to define and explain why this "alert" is created and introduce you to the methods that will solve it. What is the problem of Missing field "name" (in "mainEntity") in search console? Getting to know the Missing field name (in mainEntity) error One of the problems you may see when troubleshooting and validating your structured data is Missing field "name" (in "mainEntity"). In this case, Google declares that your schema is not indexed because the name parameter is not set. mainEntity is one of the arrays and properties defined for the FAQPage structured data.

Structured FAQ data are the same frequently asked questions that you can define for your site pages and are in the form of several questions with the ability to view the answer as a drawer on the SERP page. This array has several properties that you can see in the code below. including name, @type, acceptedAnswer, etc. According to the instructions given by Google, you should include one question (at least). Note that each "question" must be placed in the mainEntity attribute array. Consider the following code as an example: <html> <head> <title>Finding an apprenticeship –How do I remove or change the owner of Search Console? One of the important questions that many users, especially webmasters or SEOs, have is how to change the role of site owner.