So to anticipate your callers' requests and evolve your IVR based on trends, rely on your call data. Choice of callers in the DTMF menu, duration of calls, number of missed calls...all this valuable data allows you to evaluate the performance of your telephone reception, to understand the behavior of your callers and thus, to identify areas improvement to be implemented.
Do you notice that you receive a lot of calls between ? and modify the opening hours of your telephone reception so that you no longer miss any opportunities. Clearly, with Dexem and its Belize WhatsApp Number reports supplied in real time, you identify the elements of your IVR to rework based on the performance of your teams or the behavior of your callers.

Today, there are many solutions that you use on a daily basis to manage your exchanges with your customers and prospects. These solutions, while vital to your business, are not always as complex to administer as you might think. And Dexem is proof! So don't waste another minute and contact us now to discover Dexem through a presentation given by one of our experts.