Europe We dont even have the worlds largest companies Fundamental innovations and large companies built on them come mainly from the United States and Asia including China Of course these countries benefit from having very strong and large domestic markets rather than a series of fragmented economies with different rules but at the same time they are distinguished by the fact that with some exceptions governments do not throw sticks under their feetDuring my visits to the .
USA and Asia I encounter more and more taunts towards Europe It is not far from the truth to Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data say that in Silicon Valley or Shenzhen they no longer take the old continent very seriously It is good for an exotic historical vacation and the possible establishment of R&D centers but as a place for business it seems completely inappropriateRegulation is useless computer clouds came which turned the entire IT operation upside down Amazon Web Services Microsoft.
Azure and Google Cloud dominate the market Europes reaction In France they first gave subsidies to a local company only to eventually go bankrupt The French European Commissioner and former head of Atos and France Telecom Thierry Breton subsequently pushed the GaiaX project at the European level which is supposed to impose some kind of European values on American clouds and push out small local players It is absolutely useless and real help in the form of market liberalization better energy and less bureaucracy is not on the agendaAIs biggest risk Europe let the technology run away and now