When Pete started with WordStream, we discussed how his Shopping campaigns were doing well, but that they could be doing a lot better if we made some bid changes based on return on ad spend,” explains Peter’s Managed Services representative. “By shifting the focus of our bidding strategy to the individual product level we were able to increase bids on products that were losing impression share due to rank.
Every product that was losing impression share due to rank and Greece WhatsApp Number Data also showed a good CPA and/or ROAS we adjusted the bids to try and tap into the product potential.”Customer Spotlight Ryan Air Conditioning metricsSoon after working with his account rep, Peter began to see immediate returns.

He also realized that, despite his familiarity with AdWords and a strong grasp on his wider campaign objectives, finding the time – and context – to analyze his core metrics was resulting in wasted spend, a problem that Peter’s account manager was able to identify and correct.Customer Spotlight Ryan Air Conditioning metrics“ than they were bringing in,” Peter’s Managed Services rep says.