This is why it is recommended to go further than these figures and not hesitate to test combinations against the grain. Only the analysis of your own data will confirm the right choice or not. Tuesday still comes in second place among the best days of the week, closely followed by Wednesday. In BC, Sunday recorded excellent performances , surely linked to the greater attention of the audience that day. On the other hand, statistics recommend avoiding as much as possible sendings on Monday and Saturday which generate opening and click rates much lower than average.
What is the best time to send an email? What time should I send my email? This is Mexico Phone Number Data probably the main question you were asking yourself when clicking on this article. And here too, there will be no readymade answer. The best time to send an email Whether in BB or BC, the trend seems to encourage sending your emails during offpeak hours during the working day. Performance in terms of open rate and clickthrough rate is strongest around a.m., p.m. and p.m. This corresponds quite well with daily work habits.

We tend to start the day by reading our latest received emails, then check our inbox when we get back from lunch break and finally one last time at the end of the day to make sure we have dealt with emergencies. However, the a.m. slot seems to be prioritized because it records on average more than opening rate for almost click rate. BONUS Send your emailing based on your own data! I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the studies only present a trend and not a universal truth. The best time to send an email depends directly on your target and their behavior .