Based on the topics and templates provided, Bank Salad directly recruited external writers and began publishing high-quality articles in November 2022. I understand that you have been writing articles consistently to this day. Q What impact do you think you had on your clients through intent marketing? A It showed that if you build content based on data that customers search for, you can generate inflow results without advertising, and that search data is that important on the web. 02 Consultant PerspectiveQ When was the happiest moment/sense of accomplishment while working on the Bank Salad project? A This is when Google began to see visible results in natural inflow (between December 2022 and January 23). This is because it has proven that the direction of intent marketing is correct.
Q Do you have any know-how or methods for a successful project? A I think we were able to achieve results Cambodia Phone Number Data because our clients actively participated, rather than because of our own know-how. As I mentioned before, Bank Salad was passionate about content creation to the point of hiring external writers, and they also worked hard to improve the website by asking and discussing questions they were curious about on numerous occasions. I think the time spent organizing the answers to the questions asked by Bank Salad and thinking about how to explain them was helpful to me and we grew together. Q What are the essential points for a successful project ? A The first is ‘sufficient prior discussion’.

What is the problem you are trying to solve? What tasks do we need to do to solve that problem? What is the scope of work that the client company and Ascent must perform? There are cases where requests for additional work come in without these aspects being sufficiently discussed, and consultants sometimes experience confusion as to whether the direction of the work is right. ’. Continuing from item 1, we do not work directly as an agency, but our role is to provide guidance so that they can carry out their tasks directly through collaboration with various departments such as development, marketing, and design, so securing human resources for our clients is essential.