Link exchanges and the like are of course from Google today / It's now very easy to recognize and you should be very careful that you don't do that anymore or if you do - that's what a lot of people say SEOs – then you should get very high quality links. The problem with these high-quality links, which can be obtained, for example, from webmasters with really good websites, is that it is becoming increasingly difficult and that, in my opinion, the costs and benefits are no longer in any relation to one another. That means it has become less and less over the years and today people really work themselves to death to somehow get a good link.
There are many other, more modern methods of how you can create popularity for Special Data your own website. And the algorithm is a bit further. That means what I can do is: If you imagine link building now as a 20-year-old VW Golf, because it's just a bit older technology / And I want to upgrade it now, then I'll buy it / And I have 100,000 euros. Then I can just say, “I’m going to gold-plate this VW Golf,” and yes, then I’ll have a gold-plated VW Golf for 100,000 euros. But I can also take 100,000 euros and buy a Tesla or, what do I know, a Jaguar. It's a bit more modern, I have more modern technology and the whole thing makes a lot more sense. And that's how I see it with link building.

I can do content marketing instead, I can take care of good content, or I can also start new on-page stories such as snippet optimization, landing page optimization. There are also new developments that are incredibly important. What's also important when building links is that there is always the risk of punishment. This means that if I build links, Google may punish me sooner or later. It's a bit like taking steroids. So, if I want to have muscles, so to speak, then I can also take really good steroids. But it's just one of those things that only after a few months or maybe even years do I realize that the whole thing might not be good for me or my body.