Methods accepted on product landing page Minimize required fields My last suggestion for increasing conversion rates is to think about what information you really need to call someone a conversion. Do you need their name, email, and phone number? Do you need their job title and the company they work for? Do you need their home address, city, state, and zip code? Now stop and think, to follow up with someone, do you really need all of that information, or would it just be nice to have? Asking for some of those “nice to have” pieces is great, but if you go overboard with too long of a form, you risk irritating someone and asking too much of them.
The example that drives me the most nuts is city, state, and zip code. If you have someone’s zip code, you can easily find their city and state. There are tools that do that automatically. Stop asking for all three fields when one will Iceland Phone Number suffice. increase conversion rates - limited form field example Limit your forms to only the information you actually need to follow up with someone and leave the “nice to haves” for future sales conversations. Increase conversion rates with these simple tweaks There’s no singular tactic that is guaranteed to increase your conversion rates. You’ll even notice that some of my suggestions here might seem to be contradictory.

Put lots of useful information on the page, but also make sure it’s concise and loads quickly.My last suggestion for increasing conversion rates is to think about what information you really need to call someone a conversion. Do you need their name, email, and phone number? Do you need their job title and the company they work for? Do you need their home address, city, state, and zip code? Now stop and think, to follow up with someone, do you really need all of that information, or would it just be nice to have? Asking for some of those “nice to have” pieces is great, but if you go overboard with too long of a form, you risk irritating someone and asking too much of them. The example that drives me the most nuts is city, state, and zip code. If you have someone’s zip code, you can easily find their city and state.