Now, the issue is how, through its methodological contribution, it causes an impact when it comes to how these improvements must be implemented in any company , be it technology, finance, real estate, among others. For this reason, it has been used in marketing on many occasions to significantly improve process management. The objective? Reduce bad habits within the different departments and also their inefficiencies, which directly affect the performance of the system. Simple, because it is known that it is possible to produce significant and advantageous long-term effects if small change processes are carried out at different levels of the company.
Conclusion: more efficiency. Where does the Kaizen Belarus WhatsApp Number method come from? After World War II, Japan was going through a social and economic crisis that affected all its citizens. The need to go out into the market to compete with companies from Europe and the United States made the country's government promote the methodological strategies of Williams Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran. The results? Well, we can see it today. Japan is one of the references in production in different sectors, animation being one of the most prominent.

What did they apply? The Kaizen method, which in Spanish translates as "change" and "better", referring to the constant search for improvement. The "S" of the Kaizen methodology Since the Kaizen method places more emphasis on small, continuous changes than on sudden and radical innovations, implementing it in companies is simpler than it seems at first glance, but if you are not familiar with it, it can seem complicated. This method has what is known as the " S's" or the PDCA circle.