Red Bull Production example 13. BLUE BOTTLE COFFEE BLUE BOTTLE COFFEE is headquartered in the United States and sells coffee. An EC site created with Shopify has been released since 2020. There is a membership program where you can earn points when you purchase products on the e-commerce site and exchange them for things like drink tickets at physical stores. Each product page has SNS buttons that allow you to easily share the product. BLUE BOTTLE COFFEE GIG provides support for Shopify implementation.
Leave it to GIG, a web production professional, for any parts that require knowledge of building an e-commerce site, such as customizing Shopify or expanding its functionality. After launching your e-commerce site, we can provide support for all aspects Phone Number List of web marketing, including competitive research, keyword design, design production, content production, SEO, advertising operations, and AB testing. We offer a variety of suggestions to help you manage your e-commerce site to ensure results. Web marketing | Tokyo web production company / homepage production company | GIG Co., Ltd. This is GIG Co., Ltd.'s web marketing/strategy/design business page.

Based in Tokyo, we develop services in the lifestyle field that combine website production, homepage production, media site planning, production, and operation, web marketing, system development, system construction, and artificial intelligence. giginc.co.jp og_img For consultation on Shopify implementation, please contact GIG Shopify is attracting attention in Japan due to its support for Japanese. We can see that many companies are attracted to Shopify and are using it to launch their e-commerce sites. In the future, the management of e-commerce sites will shift toward having their own e-commerce sites, and the entire e-commerce industry is expected to undergo major changes.