Try to raise your Domain Authority . Strategies that are harmful to your site's On Page SEO. You should avoid them As we talked above about a group of strategies that will help you in internally improving your website pages, there are also several harmful strategies that I must warn you about. These harmful strategies will negatively affect your site and Google ranking and may even cause Google to penalize you.
Keyword Stuffing Do not increase keywords for the sole purpose of increasing Telegram Number Data their percentage in the article. I know that there are people who say that the keyword should be 2 and 3% of your content. But this is not true, as there are many top-ranking articles in which the percentage of keywords is even less than 0.5%, and the Internet is in front of you to search. Do not add keywords deliberately and illogically, because by doing so you will spoil the user experience and will harm your site more than it will benefit it. Instead, use keywords where they make sense and only when needed. 2. Copy content from the Internet Some website owners steal other people's content and add it to their sites for goals such as increasing their site's pages or - in their opinion.

Obtaining good, cheap content. But this does not benefit them, as Google loves unique content and sometimes it will not only block your copied content, but it may also penalize your entire site. Here I must warn you that the copied content is not only copied from other domains or sites, but also the recurring content between the pages of your site, in the eyes of Google, is also copied content, so pay close attention to this matter. 3. Thin Content In the past: There was a perception that if there was more than one keyword for the same topic ( for example: courses and courses ) you should target each one of them in a dedicated article. But as we know now: this is not true, targeting those words on one page about the topic will have a much better impact for your site and your page lead.