With the Civil Code. Additionally, if such recordings are used to commit a crime such as fraud, etortion or blackmail, the relevant authorities may initiate oceedings to punish the perpetrators through criminal and judicial oceedings. Sign up for the newsletter! E-mail adress Enter your email address Recognizing DeepFake, or how to deal with fake news As artificial intelligence develops, recognizing DeepFakes may become more and more difficult. Nevertheless, there are a few tips that are worth following when encountering suspicious content on the Internet. Content of the recording First, pay attention to the content of the recording.
Your common sense and general knowledge of the world around you may ove helpful in detecting manipulated recordings. If the content of the recording and the words in it are unreliable or do not match the specific person who appears to Middle East Mobile Number List be speaking in the video, you may begin to suspect that you are dealing with a DeepFake and not an actual recording. Unnatural movements and facial eessions in the video Artificial intelligence and image manipulation are a relatively new combination. Therefore, this technology does not necessarily cope well with comple facial eessions and microeessions such as lip twitches, blinks or head movements. DeepFake technology has even greater oblems with reoducing the movements of hands, fingers, etc.
which is why videos are most often used in which only the torso and head appear. If you look closely at DeepFaks, you will notice pinpoint blurring on the face or on its edges. Playing the film very slowly, e.g. frame by frame, may be helpful in noticing them. The free tool watchframebyframe may be helpful here . How will DeepFake change marketing DeepFake technology will undoubtedly influence the world around us. Let us hope, however, that not because it will be used by inapoiate people for criminal or even terrorist activities. DeepFake can also do a lot of good, e.g. in the world of internet marketing. For .