Was disclosed as the subject of the solution in the description of the invention on the date of filing the application. The lack of patent claims specifying the scope subject matter of protection of the invention makes it impossible to introduce additions and corrections to the application cf. art. judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of December , , ref. no. file VI SA/Wa / . It should also be remembered that the right to obtain a patent for an invention, a right of protection for a utility model or a right to register an industrial design is transferable and subject to inheritance. However, an agreement on the transfer of rights requires, under pain of nullity, to be in writing cf art.
Industrial property rights . Priority to obtain a patent Pursuant to art. section , and of the Industrial Property Law, the application is deemed to have been filed on the day on which it was received by the Patent phone number list Office of the Republic of Poland in writing, also by fax or electronically. If the application is sent by fax, the original notification should reach the authority within days from the date of sending the application by fax. This deadline cannot be restored.

If the original is delivered after the deadline, the filing date will be deemed to be the day on which it was delivered. In such a case, the notification sent by fax is considered null and void judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of April , , ref. no. file VI SA/W The literature on the subjectis the priority resulting from the correct application for protection of an invention, industrial design or utility model in the Polish Patent Office. The application for protection is subject to the principle of formalism; Formal conditions are regulated in Art. ; Priority to obtain a patent, protection right or registration right is determined according to the date of filing the invention , utility model or industrial design with the Polish Patent Office.