I'm sure it will bring you something. Fast to results If you don't have enough time to write an extensive annual plan or if you don't feel it is necessary, take this express train version: the ADSL plan. Below is the structure and steps you can take for your team. ADSL four-step plan Ambition: your dream, mission, assignment, ideal, vision, meaning, higher global goal. Ask questions, such as where does the road lead? Goal: your dream now becomes concrete by making it SMART. Ask the concrete question: where to.
Strategy: the way you are going to achieve your goal. Ask the question: how? List: the list of action points and steps to realize the plan. Which concrete actions will you take when in the (near) future? Impact More and more organizations are finding that just making money photo editor is no longer enough. aware of the impact of everything we do. In addition to the positive impact of this on society and the environment, it also has a very nice effect on the involvement of employees within an organization.

Working for an organization that works towards a higher goal creates enthusiasm. Indirectly, this gives an enormous boost to the productivity and performance of the employees. Which do you prefer: one good team, or eleven good ones? - Johan Cruijff About the book The book Blij(f) agile ' (affiliate) contains practical coaching exercises and models that you can use to further develop yourself, your team or your organization.