like weird extras on the page, such as “SEO Services” and “Search Engine Rankings,” but are actually related to the products/services you offer. Try adding these topics to a more appropriate page, create a new page, or compile a thorough FAQ that includes other related questions.
#2: Wikipedia Page + SEOBook Keyword Density Checker*
Let’s say you’re trying to expand on popular keywords in an industry chile whatsapp data you’re not very familiar with, such as “roof repair.” You can use this free tip to find common and related topics.
Step 1: Find and copy the Wikipedia page URL.
Step 2: Paste URLSEOBook into the Keyword Density Checker:
Screenshot 2017-02-13 6.15.51 am
Step 3: Submit and view the most used words on Wikipedia pages:
Screenshot 2017-02-13 AM 6.12.59.png
Step 4: You can click on the Links tab to drill down further (usually more relevant to the topic) to the anchor text of the Wikipedia link within the tab. If the subtopic is important enough, there may be another page to link to
Keyword density link.png
Step 5: Use any appropriate keyword discovery to create stronger topic-based content ideas.
Keyword research tools are mentioned in the episode "Experts On The Wire" کے بارے میں "This strategy"