Publisher s link wiley WileyCDA WileyTitle productCd .html AUGUST HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW Why China Can t Innovate By Abrami Regina M. William C. Kirby and F. Warren McFarlan ABSTRACT—A look at how innovation is happening in China from the top down from the bottom up through acquisition and through education. Sheds light on the complexities of the issue highlighting the promise and the problems China faces in its quest to become the world s innovation leader.
Publisher s link hbr why china cant innovate ar AUGUST ANNUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Psychological Safety The History Renaissance and Future of an Interpersonal Construct By Edmondson Amy C. and Zhike Lei ABSTRACT—Psychological safety describes people s perceptions of the consequences of taking interpersonal risks in a particular context such Chinese Overseas America Number Data as a workplace. First explored by pioneering organizational scholars in the s psychological safety experienced a renaissance starting in the s and continuing to the present. Organizational research has identified psychological safety as a critical factor in understanding phenomena such as voice teamwork team learning and organizational learning. A growing body of conceptual and empirical work has focused on understanding the nature of psychological safety identifying factors that contribute to it and examining its implications for individuals teams and organizations. In this article we review and integrate this literature and suggest directions for future research.
We first briefly review the early history of psychological safety research and then examine contemporary research at the individual group and organizational levels of analysis. We assess what has been learned and discuss suggestions for future theoretical development and methodological approaches for organizational behavior research on this important interpersonal construct. Publisher s link ezp prod .hul.harvard login url.