The version tag that represents the DKIM standard being used. Its value is always set to . a= This DKIM tag represents the cryptographic algorithm used for creating the signature. generally, it’s value is rsa-sha . If your computer has reduced CPU capabilities, you can use rsa-sha . Experts don’t encourage its use due to security vulnerabilities. s= this tag specifies the selector record name used for finding the public key in a domain’s DNS.
Domain administrators or app developers have Job Function Email List to enter a name or a number in this field. d= You can see the domain used with the selector record to locate public keys. It uses the same value as the domain name used by the sender . b= This DKIM tag is used for the header’s hash data. It’s usually paired with the h= tag for drafting the DKIM signature. It’s always encoded in Base . bh= This required DKIM tag has the computed hash of emails whose value is a string of characters denoting a hash determined by an algorithm.
This tag enlists the headers seen in the signing algorithm to generate the hash in the b=tag. Its value can neither be removed nor changed. Limitations and Challenges of DKIM Legitimate emails sent from your domain can occasionally get rejected by mobile devices if the message is forwarded. Receiver’s server identifies them as forged messages when they read the authentication instructions. What is DMARC? the understanding of email authentication for developers is learning about DMARC or Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance.