標題: The ugin insta ation rocess begins [打印本頁] 作者: Rubi0000 時間: 2023-12-18 13:07 標題: The ugin insta ation rocess begins Increasing Word ress security ithemes security Securi Word Fence iThemes Security – how to insta these add ons to our scri t Insta ing the free versions of Securi Word Fence and iThemes Security ugins is no different from insta ing any other officia y avai ab e Word ress ugin. On y aid versions are not avai ab e for automatic insta ation from the ugin search engine and it is necessary to manua y insta the add on urchased by us.
word fence security ugin after ogging in to the Word ress Admin ane by se ecting ugins from the menu on the eft. Add ugins. In the next ste search for the ug in you are interested in s ecifying its name and start its Phone Number List automatic insta ation. After com eting the automatic insta ation rocess you need to activate the ugin Activate button . Thanks to these few sim e ste s we wi now be ab e to enjoy a more secure version of the Word ress scri t resistant to most otentia threats.
Is a ugin a one enough Contrary to the im ression you might get from the revious descri tion Word ress itse f is quite a safe too . The term "fair y safe" here refers main y to the issue of o en code which anyone can examine to find ossib e threats and e iminate them. The rogram wi not sur rise us with any "un redictab e" behavior as ong as we use the officia version down oaded from word res.